Friday, September 16, 2011

For the most part, a few recent snaps ofJimi (like yesterday)

Jimi Pix
Jeff and Erik on their birthdays this  year, 071611;
Jeff turned 33 and Erik 23. Born same day 10 years
apart. My Mom had two babies 7 years apart. My Dad
and I put this feat on our Dad/Son resume.
Erik on 23 birthday
Erik on his laptop at our house
Rather Jimi and Dad Darren
Jimi and I on 91611
From 9/15/11. Jimi doing drawing and writing
and Grandmom Chris showing Jimi's Dad
Darren some resulrs of our beginning of
reorganization of fanily photos project.
 I sure  like Jim's hair length; do you?

Us taken by Jimi

1 comment:

Richette said...

Hi Bob! My first time here in your blog.

Yes, I like Jimi's hair....cute! ^_^