Jimi August 2006/August 2007 and other Things...
The crying baby to the left is not Jimi; the mouth is way too big and the teeth way too few. However, the Jimibino has been know to cry on occasion. The couple times that I have dropped him off at the Shining Stars pre-school and he has cried, his eyes pleading with me not to leave him, I have contemplated returning to my car, changing into my "hero" cape, and flying back to his rescue.
I don't remember dropping our sons off at schools or babysitters so I am assuming that Chris had to do all that by herself. I do remember being proud of Darren for graduating from Harding Webster pre-school. If I remember correctly, he ran track for the Harding Webster "Hulk Hogans."
Some Comparisons of Pictures From August 2006 when Jimi was 14 months old and August 2007 when he was 26 months old--

To the left is Jimi in August 2006 at the age of 14 months and to the right he is in August 2007 at the age of 26 months. To date, I can't get Carol or Chris to spill the frijoles on how old either of them are.

These pictures are also one year apart. I believe that it is pretty easy to tell in which one Jimi is younger. The similarity in both pictures is that he is doing one of his favorite daily activities, an activity that he performs repeatedly and repeatedly, no

14-month old Jimi to the left and 26-month old Jimi with cousin Mark to the right in 2007. These cousins are a pair, indeed; they challenged Darren and Jose to a tag team wrestling match--and won! Rumor has it that Jose and Darren are appealing this decision to the World Wide Federation of Incredibly Mismatched Wrestling Matches. For their part, the Twin Terror Tykes from Tulsa (they picked their own name) said that they will fight Darren and Jose, anyplace, anytime, with both hands tied behind their backs. In what has to be described as a major additional concession, the TTTFT also offered to have Grandpa Bob on their own team as a major liability.

Erik Returning From School, Darren Talking to Jimi, Jeff at the House...
Bob says Bye...
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