Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Jimi’s First Thanksgiving, 2005

Jimi’s first Thanksgiving arrived in November 2005 when he was a beautiful five-month bouncing and smiling newborn whose eyes were a beautiful color that I couldn’t put into words then and still can’t. They weren’t “Paul Newman” eyes; they were more amazing.

Five years after Jimi was born and I still can’t stop bragging about the tyke so sue me, arrest me, and take me to court and put me on trial, but I am not changing my opinion. So there!

How could Jimi not be handsome with having such a beautiful Mom and good-looking Dad. I know that lots of other people on both sides of Jimi’s family contributed to Jimi’s good looks as well, and furthermore I bet that you know who you are.  o( *V* )o

So let’s take a look at our boy on those days of Thanksgiving 2005.

darren and jimi a couple days after Thanksgiving 2005

day after Thanksgiving 2005_3

Dad and Jim first Thanks giving 2005jim and chris and darren during Thanksgiving holidays

The proud Dad holds Prince Jimi while beaming Grandmother Chris can’t keep her eyes off the incredibly good-looking rascal. Picture by one of Jimi’s BIGGEST FANS—ME!

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Jimi and Gramps_Jimis first Thanksgiving 2005_five months old

I guess these pictures must have been before eating since one of the people in our household known for getting incredibly messy when eating—me—doesn’t seem to have any food in his hair or on his shirt and Jimi is spic and span, including his baby face.








Did I mention yet that all Jimi’s and Darren’s Carlsbad relatives  got an incredibly wonderful surprise Thanksgiving gift from the now 5-year old Jimi and his Dad on Monday evening, 11/21/10?

They drove in from San Francisco in a marathon 2-day and 2-night drive lasting 49 hours with just two stops to sleep in Bakersfield, California, and Flagstaff, Arizona (where they encountered some snow).

What a great surprise!!!

Meanwhile back at the Jimi’s first Thanksgiving in pictures account--


Uncle Jeff and his nephewOpen-mouthed smile







Darren continued to work on Thanksgiving Day on a shed that he had been building in the backyard beginning in the summer of 2005 before Jimi was born.








damu a couple days after Thanksgiving 2005

Damu—our watchdog--watches and listens for anyone going toward the kitchen, 24/7. Yes, this is our famed dog on Thanksgiving 2005. Poor Damu doesn’t have much to celebrate this Thanksgiving, some five years later. He is blind and arthritic and spends most of his time listening to the “Canine Channel” on DirecTv in between scoring handouts from any family member possible. On the positive side, he still has a mighty bark and will make his way toward the front of the house to check out disturbing noises. He also likes to sneak up on the couch if we aren’t in the room to dissuade him from such a violation of house rules.

Jimi and Gramps_Jimis first Thanksgiving 2005_five months old2








5-month old Jimi with “back-in-the-day” 58 years-old Gramps.

Jimi and the whole Hoff family want to wish everyone a mentally and physically renewing Happy Thanksgiving.


Sue said...

Awe, look at that little turkey outfit! It's the cutest!!! Jimi's going to break the hearts of millions of little girls when he grows up.

Happy Thanksgiving to you my American friends.

Shail said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family Bob! :)

Bob said...

Thank you Susan! o(*V*)o

Bob said...

Thank you, Shail. Chris fixed a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner as usual.
