Movie of Jimi's (and Others) Motor Skills, Oct 2006/2007 Jimi Pix, A Dog/Horse named Damu, Hick Dads, and a Self-Cartooned Pix with Mustache.
19-year old Uncle Erik practices his skateboard, as he does everyday. 23-year old Dad Darren commands the tricycle. Nearing middle age Grandmom Chris offers cheers and encouragement. Jimi speeds down the sidewalk on his scooter, emitting a toddler-warrior scream somewhere on the baby Viking-Ninja spectrum. Grandpop (goes the whistle) Bob, as usual handles the camera. Why? Because I am the main one who has the motivation to point and shoot.
I have always been an action figure in the world of people wearing wax mustaches. Maybe it's the level of battery acid in my blood's circulation system. Maybe I have an uncontrolled sense of when to do and when to don't. Maybe, I am off subject? Is the Mr. Rino, the perfecto pequeno, just darling once again?
I am just glad that I don't have a tripod, as I am sure that I would be tempted to get into action shots like this, showing non-existent athletic skills, abilities that logic tells me repeatedly that I don't have, but abilities that I will never stop trying to fake because I am one of the weakest of all men, a grandfather who wants his grandson to admire him for doing such admirable things.
Or maybe the camera is an excuse not to get involved in a scene where I would probably publicly hurt myself. Well, never mind. We all have a close relative that we can admire, the toddler of steel, endurance, fighting moves, brain/thinking superiority, and a never-ending righter of wrong--Super Jimi.
Some Jimi pix from October 2006
Jimi-October 2007A couple well-dressed Dads, October 2006 . $5 to get this picture on the Web and $15 to get it off
Darren got Jimi such a neat Halloween costume (like he did last year) What a great Dad, he is. Jimi and Darren should have lots of fun on Halloween night.
You can see in the picture of Jeff Young and Darren above, they can just do Halloween in their regular clothes. (I know that Darren is going to get me for this).
Peace Out. See You on the Flip Side. Don't Forget to Let the People You Love, Know and Know, and Know (and Know Again).
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