Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Some of Jimi's FAVE links

Hi Jimi Victorino's Blog readers

I have been asking around for a while now when Daylight Savings Time ends and people responded in one of three ways:

  • It should be on your calendar.
  • I don't know.
  • Ask Jimi Victorino Campos Hoff for his link.

So, here is Jimi's DST page link--

Also, Jimi asked me to share one of his favorite education games links for children about his age.

So, here is that link--

And one of his favorite humor blog sites--

And, of course, his favorite caverns history blog site--


Jimi's Grandma Carol Campos


Breaking Sports News....

11:00 p.m.

Thanks to the Los Angeles Angels just finishing a win over the Texas Rangers, the Boston Red Sox will get a wild card slot in the upcoming American League playoffs. Jimi Victorino Campos Hoff was just quoted as saying, "Go Red Sox!" as was his grandpa, yours truly.


shail said...

Thanks for the links Bob... thanks are due to Jimi for sharing them with us through his irrepressible Gramps Bob the humorist. :)

Bob said...

Thanks, Shail. We are humorists together, only in different countries, no?

shail said...

You bet!! :)